Risk assessment of wind turbines

Risk assesment in the vicinity of wind turbines

Wind turbines can represent a safety risk. This safety risk should be assessed in the vicinity of objects which need to be protected, such as pipelines and stations of the gas and mineral oil industry or in densely built-up areas.

Closely cooperating with all associations concerned, VEENKER compiled a comprehensive general wind turbine expert opinion report in which the risks from wind turbines with hub heights of 60 m up to 170 m and power of 0.5 MW up to 8.0 MW for objects which need to be protected were assessed. The risk potentials throwing off of rotor blades or parts thereof, throwing off of ice fragments and falling off of the whole nacelle as well as tower breakage were assessed probabilistically. Conservative minimum distances for which no further verification is necessary result from the limit risk value in accordance with DIN EN ISO 16708. Results are available in the form of an report and can be downloaded here.

Furthermore, based on the general expert opinion concrete individual cases where the above mentioned minimum distances have not been reached can be assessed. Against this background, depending on the problem the specialist engineers of VEENKER calculate the permissible position of a wind turbine considering safety measures where necessary for planners and operators of wind turbines.
