Condition assessment of hydrogen pipelines
Condition assessment of hydrogen pipelines
The conversion from natural gas to hydrogen or the admixture of hydrogen to natural gas, respectively, leads to questions concerning the suitability of the existing gas transmission grid for hydrogen. Hydrogen is a medium which changes the properties of the material steel. The influence of hydrogen ranges from the reduction of steel toughness to a possible crack formation with crack growth. The engineers of VEENKER analyse these damage mechanisms, inter alia, within a research project of the HYPOS e. V. and expand the proven tools for assessing pipeline condition (Pipeline Integrity Management System, PIMS) – PIMS turns to H2-PIMS.
In addition to static calculations and assessments of hydrogen pipelines, the engineers of VEENKER analyse the risk for high-pressure pipelines under operation with hydrogen. These risk analyses are used to quantify residual risks regarding operation and make statements concerning the effects of possible damage events. Comprehensive safety concepts are created listing all work and assessment steps to ensure pipeline integrity under hydrogen influence.
In presentations, workshops and by consulting services as well as within further research projects the engineers of VEENKER support the pipeline operators in issues concerning this future energy source. In addition, Managing Director Jörg Himmerich is an active member of the DVGW e. V. (German gas and water association) to enshrine relevant developments concerning hydrogen in the rules and regulations.